Stupină Mihai Grama
Mihai Grama is a respected beekeeper from Cluj County, Romania. He has over 170 bee families and produces a range of premium and rare honeys in the Apuseni Mountains, some from plants that grow at heights of over 1200 meters altitude. He is probably most well known for his mountain heather honey known as 'iarba neagră' or 'negruș' in Romania which is unique in the world. For him the greatest satisfaction is when his honey is appreciated.
Mihai Grama is one of the most well known beekeepers in Romania. This is firstly due to the quality of his honey and secondly due to his determination to promote Romanian Mountain Products, which he would like to see on display in more stores across the country. He is one of the founding members of the 'Mountain Product Association' and a number of his products are certified Mountain Products'. This recognition guarantees the authenticity and quality of the product and places them among foods that should not be missing from the diet of those concerned about the consumption of food with clear traceability and sustainability.
Mihai Grama goes to the hives every year in the mountains of Apuseni, he constantly researches areas and moves his bees accordingly to obtain honey of the highest quality with absolutely no chemicals or additives. The mountain heather honey is a premium honey that is unique in the world and competes on a level with the famous Manuka honey. This year for the first time he also produced a willow blossom honey which is extremely rare and exquisite. The honey is produced in limited, small amounts throughout the honey season, according to the plants in question - so be careful not to miss one if you want to try something in particular.